AJE is excited to share this update from MySchoolDC about the Lottery results!
Matched in the Lottery? Enroll by May 3!
My School DC released lottery results for school year 2021-22 on Friday, April 2. Families can access their results by logging into their My School DC family account.
If you did not receive your results, cannot access your My School DC account, or need help understanding your results and next steps, please contact the My School DC Hotline: (202) 888-6336 or info.myschooldc@dc.gov. If you received a school match in the lottery, you have until May 3, 2021 to enroll at your matched school. Enrolling at your matched school will not remove your child from waitlists. To enroll you will need to follow the school’s enrollment procedures, which include:
You can also add additional schools to you child’s application at this time by logging into your family account. Your child will automatically be added to the schools’ waitlists. More here. |
If you missed the lottery application deadlines, you can still apply to DCPS and public charter schools through My School DC by submitting a post-lottery application. Your child will be added to schools’ waitlists below lottery applicants (unless they qualify for a preference at a school that a lottery applicant does not qualify for). Apply here.
Reminder: All K-12 students that reside in the District have a DCPS in-boundary elementary, middle and high school they have a right to attend without submitting a My School DC application. Families seeking a PK3 or PK4 DCPS or public charter school program must submit a My School DC application even if they seek to enroll in their DCPS in-boundary PK program. Families can use the School Finder to locate their DCPS in-boundary schools and do a school search.
Event: Virtual Adult College Fair on April 17
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The Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s Division of Postsecondary and Career Education is hosting the VIRTUAL Adult College Completion (ACC) Fair on Saturday, April 17 2021 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. This fair is a FREE opportunity for prospective adult students to learn about the multiple pathways to college completion. The fair will provide opportunities for attendees to explore college and career interests, discover adult-friendly postsecondary options, and find ways to pay for their education. The fair will also include resources specifically targeted to early childhood educators who need to earn their associate’s degree. District residents can register for the fair HERE!
For more information or questions, contact Joi Jones at Joi.Jones@dc.gov.
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