Discover Upcoming Opportunities for Families at Strong Start!

AJE would like to share details and resources from Strong Start DC Early Intervention Program of upcoming opportunities for families. Strong Start, provides support and services to families with children from birth through age 3, with developmental delays and disabilities. See below for information and registration.

Strong Start Parent Support Groups – A virtual support group that offer DC families an open, secure and judgement-free setting to discuss topics related to their child’s development and early intervention. Each group meeting has minimal “agenda items” and participants drive the conversation around a set topic. Virtual family support groups also provide an opportunity for participants to connect with resources and programs available to DC families. Learn more below about upcoming virtual family support groups and register here or scan the flyer QR code to attend!

Strong Start/DCPL Community Playgroups – Strong Start partners with DC Public Library (DCPL) to host community playgroups every month for infants and toddlers and their families. The community playgroups are facilitated by early intervention professionals and provide an environment for children to interact with their same-age peers, while families receive information about their child’s development, early childhood developmental screenings, early intervention process and other community resources. Learn more about the playgroups and register here or scan the flyer QR code to attend!


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