Ivymount Winter Recreational Programs00On December 17, 2019December 4, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News Ivymount Winter After School Recreational Programs After School at Ivymount January 7th – March 12th After-school clubs at Ivymount...
ENDS TOMORROW – DC’s IDEA Parent Survey 2018-2019 ends TOMORROW December 16th00On December 15, 2019October 14, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is sharing this information from OSSE so that all DC parents and youth know that they have an opportunity...
Call for Applications: 2020 VSA Playwright Discovery Program due January 2nd00On December 10, 2019December 4, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News Call for Applications: 2020 VSA Playwright Discovery Program – January 2nd Young writers with disabilities and collaborative groups that include...
Project SEARCH Information Session – December 11th00On December 9, 2019December 4, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News Project SEARCH Information Session – December 11th Project SEARCH provides employment readiness training for people ages 18 to 30 with...
KTS Parent/Guardian Workshop: Beyond High School for D.C. Families – December 11th00On December 5, 2019December 4, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Donations, Events, News KTS Parent/Guardian Workshop: Beyond High School for D.C. Families – December 11th Sandy Bernstein, Legal Director at Disability Rights DC...
AJE supports B23-407, Lead Hazard Prevention and Elimination Amendment Act of 201900On December 5, 2019December 5, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News The attorneys at AJE have worked with families who are impacted by lead exposure at home, either because it resulted...
Survey for Parents of Transition Age Youth00On December 4, 2019December 4, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Donations, Events, News Title of the Project: Household Tasks and Parent Expectations for Employment About the Project: Participants will complete an online questionnaire that should...
HOUSING COUNSELING SERVICES Workshops00On December 4, 2019December 4, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Donations, Events AJE is happy to share this important resource with our families who might have questions about housing including – Tenant...
Ending soon – IDEA Parent Survey 2018-2019 ends on December 16th00On December 1, 2019October 14, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News AJE is sharing this information from OSSE so that all DC parents and youth know that they have an opportunity...
Health Literacy and Place-Based Care in DC webinar00On November 8, 2019November 7, 2019By AJE-DCIn Blog, Custom, Events, News “For place-based care and health literacy, we are not thinking creatively enough or boldly enough.” This quote came from a...