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Lifeline Partnership’s Seeing Ourselves Online Program

January 16, 2021 @ 2:00 pm
  • This event has passed.

So often, people with disabilities are excluded and not considered to be a part of “society.” They are often overlooked as characters in TV shows, movies and books.

But because of fierce advocacy on the part of people with disabilities, more and more we are starting to be included.

Join Lifetime Partnership for their January online program called “Seeing Ourselves.” It will focus on books, stories, art and other media where people with disabilities are included. The event will include ASL interpretation.

Date: Saturday, January 16, 2021
Time: 2:00 pm (ET)

Place: Online via Zoom

Ways to join:
  1. Connect using your computer’s web browser using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6529919463?pwd=QXdCS3YwZC9zNVJLQWlGZkM0TW9MUT09#success
  2. Go to zoom.us click “Join Meeting” and enter the meeting ID 652 991 9463 and the online passcode j4Vbfe
  3. Connect by phone by calling 301-715-8592 and enter meeting ID 652 991 9463 and phone-only passcode 616493
  4. Download the Zoom app for your phone from the Apple App Store or Google Play, tap “Join Meeting”, enter the meeting ID 652 991 9463 and phone-only passcode 616493
Can’t make on the 16th?  The event will be posted on Lifetime Partnership’s YouTube channel – just search for Lifeline Partnership on YouTube and take a look when you are able.

